Friday, November 18, 2005


It is sad that in all probability Narain Karthikeyan is going not to drive in the next season's races. The performances of Karthikeyan have attracted a lot of criticism and ridicule from a lot of people in India who cannot spot a difference between a go-kart and a Formula1 car. It is not to say that I know much about the sport of racing and Formula1.

What pains me most are the supposed jokes cracked by a person who unashamedly imitates the likes of Jay Leno and David Letterman. The joke was that Karthikeyan could be beaten by the taxi drivers of Mumbai.

The greatest contribution of Karthikeyan is to make the Indians talk about Formula1. It is great achievement in a country where owning a car is the ultimate dream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A karthikeyan fan from Milan, Italy!!! I hope he find a Team soon; I saw he in Monza (GP Italy).
I have a blog about cars anf Formula1:

I'm also a Ferrari fan!!!
Bye bye