Thursday, February 02, 2006


For a long time I am puzzled about the inability of the Indian batsmen when it comes to the short pitched bowling. This is because at the junior level, most of the wickets are matting wickets. The mats are made from coir-the fibre derived from coconut. The coir mats give pace and bounce to the ball. Balls pitched on good length also are extremely uncomfortable to deal with. With a fair bit of practice on such wickets one has to acquire some skills needed to face the rising ball.

The mats make ordinary bowlers appear lethal so much that on turf wickets they fail. The mats do not give any assistance to the spinners and so that in many ways explains the dearth of quality spinners in the country once famous for its 'spin quartet'.

In my humble opinion, the batting failure on seaming and bouncy tracks is a paradox. Suggestions resolving the paradox are welcome.

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